Get well or just because Arrangement


Each bouquet is an amazing arrangement of soft colors. Great gift for someone who is not feeling well or just that just because. Vase included. Each arrangement contains: Pittosporum, Lavender Pompoms, Spray Carnation, Lavender Rose, Green Leather Leaf, Pink Limonium, Pink Spray Carnations, Yellow Spray Carnations.

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Each bouquet is an amazing arrangement of soft colors. Great gift for someone who is not feeling well or just that just because. Vase included. Each arrangement contains: Pittosporum, Lavender Pompoms, Spray Carnation, Lavender Rose, Green Leather Leaf, Pink Limonium, Pink Spray Carnations, Yellow Spray Carnations.

Each bouquet is an amazing arrangement of soft colors. Great gift for someone who is not feeling well or just that just because. Vase included. Each arrangement contains: Pittosporum, Lavender Pompoms, Spray Carnation, Lavender Rose, Green Leather Leaf, Pink Limonium, Pink Spray Carnations, Yellow Spray Carnations.