Strawberry Lemonade Rose & Lily Bouquet
A fun and vivid arrangement that will brighten their day and their home. This bouquet features yellow lilies and hot pink roses giving neon realness, while being fresh and soft. Delivered in a clear glass vase, there is no better bouquet to remind someone they're sweet!
A fun and vivid arrangement that will brighten their day and their home. This bouquet features yellow lilies and hot pink roses giving neon realness, while being fresh and soft. Delivered in a clear glass vase, there is no better bouquet to remind someone they're sweet!
A fun and vivid arrangement that will brighten their day and their home. This bouquet features yellow lilies and hot pink roses giving neon realness, while being fresh and soft. Delivered in a clear glass vase, there is no better bouquet to remind someone they're sweet!